Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I am frantically (lie) working on my second to last paper of my undergrad career (more on this later) when I happen to come across this comic during my research (also a lie, really would anyone even believe that?). Never mind the lies and fabrications, I think this is hilarious, and hopefully its not just me in my crazy sleep-deprived state (truth!)

By the way, a line in my paper says "This is where Hemingway refused to stop, collaborate and listen"...a little too much? Do I care if it is? Nope, because I think it is just about THE funniest thing ever. I'm so glad I'm hilarious.


  1. I had a companion who pronounced Jesus like cheeses, so I find this particularly funny.

    You should stay in California forever.

  2. Your posts always have so much personality! I love it (truth)!
