Thursday, June 3, 2010

Black and Brown Make a Frown

I consider myself progressive. Yet there has always been one thing which I could never handle. Black and Brown. Together. In an outfit. YUCK. It would send shivers down my spine. It also didn't help that I hate the color brown more than anything. Then, the winds started to change in September when I bought these fabulous brownish shoes to wear with an outfit Before I would have refused to let those brown shoes go anywhere near my feet, let alone with some black! Then a few weeks ago I bought this fantastic bag at Target. It is BROWN. Weird, right? And now I wear my brown bag with everything, and I LOVE it with my black clothes. I am now semi-over my fear of black and brown. I still hold some prejudice for dark brown paired with black, but light brown is in my good graces.

Here is a picture of me in a black and brown outfit.


  1. Ew, you are disgusting. How could you ever be ok with mixing black and brown, it's like a cardinal sin.

    Just kidding, I think it's super cute. Only the light tan-ish brown though. Start throwing in dark brown or multiple shades of brown and I'll have to make a phone call to the fashion police.

    Just kidding again, I don't have the number for the fashion police. But if I ever do get my hands on Clinton Kelly's phone number I'll be sure to pass it on to you.

    I wish I wasn't a freak that commented on everyone of your posts, undoubtedly very soon after you post them. C'est la vie.

  2. Hahaha, who taught you that little saying?

    And I think you pull off black + brown quite nicely.

  3. I am so with you on that, but I think that the brown is light enough in your bag/shoes that it goes nicely. It's when the dark brown and black get together that makes my hiney cringe.

  4. I did not know that black and brown do not go together until college. Julie, Sara, and Kayla taught me the ways. Well done with the black and brown pairing though - at first I didn't even notice that you had matched those two in your picture. This is how advanced my fashion sense is.

  5. I will never let you live this down.

  6. I think it depends on the color of brown. Light brown/cognac=good and i love it. Dark brown not so much....but sometimes i think it can be pulled of!
