This is my conversion story, and it's very personal to me.
Last Saturday I decided that I was converted to the church of
3-D Movies.
Ok, maybe that was a little irreverent.
But seriously.
I have always been a skeptic of the third dimension, especially remembering that horrific 3-D Movie with Michael Jackson at Disneyland. Sorry Mike, I am not a fan. And there are always too many tricks they play with the audience that I do not like. Period. They are fun the first time, but after that they are annoying and downright disturbing. I apparently have remnant issues from my childhood from that Michael Jackson movie...
But ever since then I have avoided the hype. Avatar. Sorry folks, but I don't give a damn. And all the critics who say that 3D is the new future for movies. False.
So what changed my mind, on 3D at least? (I still believe what I said in the paragraph above)
I haven't always been the biggest Alice fan, mostly because the movie creeped me out as a child (why I liked Pinocchio I'll never know), but I was way excited to see it because its Tim Burton! And he can't go wrong. (Rumor is he's directing Sleeping Beauty next!!!). So I go to the theatre, put on my 3D glasses and watch a Friskies commercial in 3D. It was weird. Then we see all the previews in 3D!! COOL! Seriously, most of the previews I had seen before, but 3D made them all soo much cooler! And it made me way more interested to see them!
So then, the moment of truth. The movie started. From the get go it was beautiful, visually stimulating and just a trip. (Not a drug trip which Jessie thought I was referring to, but like a vacation trip) I was transported to Tim Burton's magical fairy land, full of drugged caterpillars and the over-sized head of Helena Bonham Carter. It was fabulous.
I loved every minute of its 3D bliss. It was sooo amazing. Bravo Timmy, Bravo.
Go see it.
P.S. Johnny Depp is always a treat. Always.