Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Dear Bloggers,

Before I tell you my story for today, I need to precede this blog with some information about myself. I remember outfits that I wore on specific dates. Not like September 17, but like that day we went to the beach and saw that fat man. I remember I was wearing my blue shirt with the ruffles and my black flip flops. Ok, that was a fictional example, but you get the point.

So on to my story.

Lets travel back in time to my first semester at BYU, Fall 2006. I had my World Religions class right after a theatre class. If you know BYU campus at all, this means I had to walk from the HFAC to the JSB, this is all the way across campus, folks. So on this particular day I wore my pink shirt from Nordstrom with puffyish stuff on the shoulders. As I left the HFAC -- I had been in the basement all day and didn't know what was going on outside-- it was POURING. POURING. POURING. So. I went to class. And got drenched. I remember opening up the door to my class, and seeing Vanessa and Matt's faces, they looked at me and then proceeded to laugh. Yup. Laugh. At my pain! haha. I would've laughed too, so I forgive them.

Now lets fast forward to today, March 5, 2010. It was a super sun shiney day in the morning, so I left the house with the same pink shirt on (foreshadowing), and a cardigan over it. I was in the basement of the JFSB in classes all day, so I had no idea the chaos which was ensuing outside. I climb up the stairs and am greeted by SNOW. LOTS and LOTS of snow. Big snow. Not little snow. Big ones. Same shirt. Same sucky Utah weather. I do not forgive the weather.

Moral of the story : I am never wearing that shirt again.

I included a picture of me in said shirt from high school. Yeah, its time to get new clothes.

AND I had vowed never to wear a coat ever again, and it looks like today ruined that for me. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. You have the best voice on your blog. I can hear you telling me the story! I'll see you upstairs in two minutes!
