So Finals are upon us, and I decided to write a little help guide, because...well i'm really good at studying :)
1. Study. Nuff said.
2.Take a break, you should take about 10 minutes every hour. Stretch your legs, eyes and brain. Power walk up and down the library stairs while eating your mandarin orange/broccoli/fruit snacks. This is when you can text your friends/parents/special friend.
3. Eat good food. I.e. Fruits and Vegetables. Not only are they good for your body, but for your brain too!! Plus those cute mandarin oranges are in season and boy are they yummy, and added plus, if you don't have time to shower (see NOT TO DO # 7) they make your hands smell good all day! Plus they are very light and transportable. And cheap. Also, an apple a day keeps the bad grades away. (Ok that is suuuper lame, but really, apples. Eat them.)
4. GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!! Seriously. Eight hours and your brain will think better and faster. That extra hour of studying is NOT worth it.
5. Make people happy. Helping others relieves your stress and makes you happy too!!
1. Facebook. Shut it down for the week, day, hour, whatever is necessary. It is a time waster (like I have to tell you that). Turn off your internet if you have to, just resist it. You can catch up with your friends engagement/baby pictures next week. Also, if you are a farmviller just stop playing altogether. Its a waste of time outside of finals week, so I don't see it helping during finals either.
2. Shopping online. You can rationalize this by buying Christmas gifts, books for next semester or warm clothes for the cold front approaching. I repeat, you CAN rationalize this, but you really shouldn't.
3. Write blogs. This also includes the category of blog stalking/reading, which you are now doing. But you can keep reading, just this once, but only because I fall in this category right now, too.
4. Texting. This is such an easy pit to fall in. Avoid it. Turn off your phone. If you will have a nervous break down at the mention of turning off your phone, go to the bottom floors of the library so you have no reception. Phone - still on; texts - not coming in. You may feel like a loser, but you'll get a lot of studying done. Added bonus: feeling pretty cool getting 5 texts at once when you leave. Or maybe that's just me...
5. DO NOT talk on your phone in the library. Seriously, everyone hates you and laughs at your stupid conversations with your mom. We don't want to know about your finals, what you want for Christmas or your health problems. If it is urgent, which I doubt, go into an uninhabited area and whisper, otherwise just take it outside. Or better, wait until you are out of the library or in your apartment.
6. Fast food/ Energy Drinks. Granted, these are convenient and have their advantages, but do not help your brain think or retain knowledge (see TO DO #3).
7. Forget to shower. Nothing is so important that you can't find time to shower. Nothing. Smelly = Bad Grades. My showers are always my friends. They wake me up late at night when I need a study break. While shampooing I always have epiphany's about the work that I am doing (I suggest getting some shower markers or bringing a pen and paper to set down somewhere accessible, so you don't forget your ideas). You can use them as a time to rest your brain, or to focus harder on your studies.
Dana, you are amazing. I am NOT good at studying, with a capital NOT! I just lose focus all the time and I dread it so much. But this week I really am going to try to put forth a better effort.
thanks for the post. don't judge that I was blogging instead of studying. ;)