Second post! Woot! So im pretty disappointed, because i had the perfect blog planned for today, but i couldnt figure out how to put video on here...sad day. But on with the blog!
So if you know me, you know that i am pretty ridiculous, and today i had a rather startling moment. So i'm in my Honors Civ class (with dr. lee, who is AMAZING!) and we separate into groups, and lucky me, i'm in the group with the resident know-it-all. Needless to say, im not very excited. But then, we start talking and i look at him, with his chest hair coming out of the top of his shirt, his semi pointy, sticky outy ears, balding head and pink collared shirt, and i should be thinking, sick, you are repulsive...but....i find him attractive! Correction: I am attracted to him, i do not find him attractive. there is a big difference there. But what is wrong with me?? He is an arrogant prick and i cannot stand him. His dad is a Latin professor here at BYU, so he thinks he is the shit. And its annoying, but such a turn on. But i realized that i was attracted to his confidence. Not him. So thats good. But the real pondering point is why is there one know-it-all in every class? what happens if two infiltrate one class? and do they have any friends? The end.
so are you still trying to explain your attraction to a certain someone?