Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Knitting Needles

Danielle, Kelli and Lauren
Dressed as gangsters for my birthday party 2 years ago.

I recently remembered a story which I have not sufficiently shared. It follows hence:

A few weeks ago I was visiting California and was talking to my little sister Lauren and her two best friends Kelli and Danielle (who are sisters, 12 and 15 respectively). All three are hilarious and pretty crazy, but in a good way. So Danielle was talking about how she had just pierced her guy friends ear (I'm hoping it was not his lobe because there is always the confusion about which side means gay or straight) and Kelli all of a sudden got a very concerned look and said "Danielle, that is so not safe! What if he gets AIDS?!?!?!?!?!" We look at her and are laughing, but more out of confusion than anything when she continues, "SHARING NEEDLES!!!" To which we all burst into laughter and Danielle says "Not THAT kind of needles Kelli!!!" At least we know Kelli has been properly educated not to share needles, no matter the kind, and hopefully will never get AIDS.

Another story about Kelli and Danielle just because I might as well while I'm here. About 5 years ago we were all hanging out (yup, Kelli, Danielle and Lauren are just so cool, I always want to hang out with them) and What Not To Wear was on in the background, and I made a comment how attractive I thought Clinton was from the show. The girls proceed to tell me how gross that was, and how old he was etc. I figured they were young and they would see the errors of their youth in time. But as we continued talking I started to get the picture they didn't know who I was talking about and vice versa. Then Danielle asks "Wait BILL CLINTON?!?!?!" Needless to say, they thought I was going Monica Lewinsky on them. Which I was/am not.


  1. Clinton = not attractive. Also, I dunno, you could probably spread AIDS with dirty piercing needles, if they have contact with blood/saliva. Always be safe, Kelli.

  2. Did you know that Adam and Joshua both have pierced ears? Gross. Thought you might enjoy that factoid. And hopefully neither of them read your blog. Ha.

    Clinton=adorable, but could have either ear pierced, becuases he's gay.

  3. BAhahahaha! Bill Clinton. Bahaha! You and Bill! BAhahaha! Monica. Ahahaha! :D

  4. that's hilarious. I've never been able to figure which ear pierce = gay. oh, well. Bill = gross. he just looks slimy to me. I'm glad you weren't attracted to him.
