Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Way Jose

Fellow friends and readers, I have been severely humbled.

I am a pretty confident girl, and I was feeling pretty good about my intelligence and my ability to get into grad school. And then I was reminded of this little thing that I need to do.

It's called...the GRE. But I feel like its taunting me all of the time, saying "Get Real, Emotional wreck!" I can't do it. I'm not that smart. All I do is make crap up, support it with big words and random sentences, and then act intelligent when I say it.

I was feeling pretty good about myself until the panic ensued. Yes, I know it's not that big of a deal, but it is to me! I want a good score to prove to myself that I can do this!!

I should be studying right now, but I'm not!! Ahhhh!!!

I bought a GRE book and the one reason I chose that book is because the first word in the entire book, in big letters is "Relax"! It was exactly what I needed.

Look at that girl!! Why is she so calm?? That's definitely not fair! Or REALISTIC!!

Ok, freak out over. :)


  1. oh, wow, Dana. I could not even begin to imagine myself doing that, so you're amazing! I have full confidence in you. But when you actually take the test can you please pose just like that cover girl for every question? I think it'll just add to the aura.

  2. Nice blog! I like your writing way. I'm doing practice GRE here: masteryourgre.com . I hope it's useful for GRE test takers.

  3. Funny girl. You are smart. You just have to make the test think you are smart too! I just read this post to my friend who is sitting next to me at the library studying for the GRE and freaking out. If nothing us, you writing this made her smile, and so that my friend is talent, great score or not.

  4. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Remember, BRANDY BELIEVES IN YOU!!!!! :) But i TOTALLY get the freak out...so GOOD LUCK!

  5. It'll be okay! I was pretty worried too and the real test seemed easier than the practice ones!! GOOD LUCK!! When do you take it?

  6. YOU SURVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P to the IMP.
