Monday, May 14, 2012

Who Could Ask for Anything More?

Well, I never thought this day would come. I am blogging about cars. Apparently, they are important. 

After many months of tears, frustrations, angry phone calls, test drives, talking to sales people, more tears, more phone calls (sorry Dad), and even more test drives...I have a new car! 

Look at him/her!!! (I have yet to decide on a gender)

It's like The Bullet and The Clone had a child, and I got her! (Oh! Her gender is manifesting itself to me!) 

She is beautiful, has that fancy thing called bluetooth, and she is all mine.

Pros: I have a back windshield wiper again!
I have doors that don't close too fast on my legs!
I have doors that automatically lock once I've gone 60 feet or whatever! 

What more could a girl want from a car?

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